Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Aloe Vera Skin Care

Aloe Vera Face Mask for Healing and Soothing (Great for sensitive and dry skin, especially after sun 3. Follow with facial mask. Rinse well with warm water and gently pat excess moisture from face. Apply to face and neck skin after cleansing and before toner is applied, using gentle circular motions.

Oats & Aloe Vera Exfoliant for your skin 1 tablespoon finely ground oats 1 tablespoon finely ground almonds 1-teaspoon honey 1-tablespoon Aloe Vera gel Combine ingredients in a bowl and stir until well mixed. 2. This recipe makes two cups. This lotion really absorbs well and leaves no residue on skin.

Transfer cream to glass jars while still warm - the lotion will thicken quickly. Do not over blend. As soon as melted oils are added and you've achieved mayonnaise-like consistency, stop the blender; add essential oil and pulse-blend. As the oil is blended in, the cream will turn white and blender's motor will start to grind. Run blender or processor at low to medium speed, and then pour in melted oils in thin stream.

Stir in almond oil, reheating if necessary. Repeat heating in 10-second blocks until fully melted. Microwave coconut oil & beeswax in a glass container on high 30 seconds, and stir. Silky Aloe Vera Skin Care Body Lotion 1 cup Aloe Vera gel 1-teaspoon lanolin 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil 1/3-cup coconut oil 1/2 to 3/4 ounce beeswax 3/4 cup almond oil 1 ½ teaspoons essential oil Use a blender (or food processor) to mix the Aloe Vera gel, lanolin, & vitamin E oil. 1.

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